Saturday, April 27, 2013

Homebirth vs. Hospital Birth - Leslie

This is one of those topics that is really hard for me to start and get into because there is so much to think about and consider when choosing where to give birth that I tend to jump around from point to point and back.  Bear with me here.

The first thing I'm going to say is DO YOUR RESEARCH!  I cannot stress this enough.  Do not make such an important decision based on what other people feel is best for them.  Read, research, consider, use common sense, and make the decision for yourself.

That being said, I planned a home birth and my prenatal appointments were with a home birth midwife, but I ended up having a c-section in the hospital.

When I got pregnant, I searched our area for home birth midwives.  I found one that was about 20 min. from where I live and contacted them.  I scheduled an appointment at 6 weeks to meet the midwives (there were actually two) and took Fiance and my mother along with me to ask questions.  I ended up really liking both of them and chose them as my prenatal caregivers.  Each appointment they would listen to the heartbeat, do fundal height, feel the baby, take blood pressure, ask what I'd been eating, etc.  Pretty much what you do at a regular doctor appointment.  However, they also asked how I'd been feeling, they always asked Fiance how my moods had been, any questions or concerns.  The difference between seeing them and seeing a doctor was that there wasn't only a short time for everything.  They actually wanted to sit and talk with you and make sure everything was going well.

I opted out of sonograms completely (and cervical checks), though some people still chose to have them, and got my blood drawn for the normal pregnancy tests that they do.  When I went into labor, I called the midwife and she came down to check how I was.  Still slow and steady and not much going on.  When labor really started to pick up, they set up the birth tub and I sat in it for a while which felt amazing.  I labored like that for three days.  Slow.  Progressing but not quickly.  My water never even broke.  On the fourth day (crazy, I know), labor was getting really intense.  I hadn't slept hardly at all in the past three days and was really tired.  She checked dilation and I was still only a seven, but when she checked my blood pressure it had gone up.  We talked and decided it was time to head to the hospital and see what was up.  The nurses and obgyn on call were all really nice.   I signed for a c-section since labor wasn't progressing and had A at 11:48 that night.

The reason my labor wasn't progressing was because A's umbilical cord was wrapped like a harness around her body.  It wasn't cutting off any blood flow, and neither her or I were in any danger from it whatsoever, but it was keeping her from moving down into the birth canal as she should have been and pushing labor along.

My main reasons for not choosing a hospital birth in the beginning are hospital interventions (pitocin, which they would have pushed at me, threats of a c-section, breaking of water bag, no food, constant cervical checks, etc.)  They don't let you eat, which is so dangerous.  Your body is working hard.  You NEED nutrition from food, not from an IV.  If they don't want me to eat, that's too bad.  Breaking the water bag and constant cervical checks are putting you at great risk for infection.  Using Pitocin puts you at risk for needing a c-section.  The pitocin makes contractions harder and more difficult to deal with which leads to most women opting to get an epidural.  The epidural, in turn, makes you more comfortable, but it also slows the contractions and slows down labor, which means you need more pitocin to speed things up and this cycle often puts the baby in distress and leads to an emergency c-section.  I was not okay with having a doctor threatening me with a c-section and pitocin if my labor didn't hurry up.

I also didn't want to give birth in a hospital because home is so much more comfortable.  You can listen to your body instead of listening to what others tell you that you NEED to be doing or what NEEDS to be happening.  Thankfully the hospital didn't argue with me when I told them no eye cream, no circumcision (if A had turned out to be a boy, since we didn't find out beforehand), and no vaccinations.  The only thing we consented to was the newborn heel stick, and the only thing they ever took her out of our room for was the newborn hearing test.

However, I did plan for the possibility of going to the hospital if something did happen, and I was okay with it when we did have to go because I wasn't going into the whole thing with the notion that I was having a home birth no matter what came up.  We needed to go, and we did.  She was born very healthy and was perfect.  I would have much rather been at home, but in the end it all turned out well.

Just keep in mind that whichever way you choose to go, that there are NO guarantees.  Being in a hospital does not ensure a good outcome.  Yes, there are medical professionals there to help in an emergency, but sometimes those same people can push you INTO that emergency with things and time constraints that are unnecessary.  Always take the time to make sure your doctors and nurses are there for YOU and YOUR WISHES, not your money.  Don't ever let someone tell you that they know your body and your intuition better than you.

On the other hand, a home birth with a great midwife can't ensure a good outcome either.  Make sure you take the time to make sure your midwife cares about you and your health, but also that they know what they are talking about as well.  Talk to other clients of theirs and find out how many births they've done and their successes AND failures.  It all goes back to doing your own research, and always research BOTH sides of a topic.  Don't only read things that agree with you.  That's counterproductive.  There are good things about a home birth and good things about a hospital birth.  Nine times out of ten, the best can be brought out of either side if the right people are doing the job.

I could go on this topic forever.  I hope I explained my thoughts well and didn't get too confusing.  If you have any comments or questions, leave them below.  As always, suggestions can be sent to us at

A couple of good reads:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Home Birth vs. Hospital Birth~priddymomma

Hey all!  This week, we are discussing home birth vs. hospital birth. 

I’ll just come out and say it:  I’m way too paranoid to have a home birth.  I’m a worrier, and being a worrier, I worry.  I couldn’t help being scared that something might happen where I would need to have a doctor on hand and wouldn’t be able to get to the hospital in time.  Or whatever. 

I think a good deal of women who chose a home birth do so to be more comfortable.  That is an extremely important factor to consider.  Believe you me, being in labor and actually delivering is WAY easier if you are not freaking out and are relaxed.  A familiar environment can go a long way towards easing your pain and discomfort.

I didn’t have a doula or midwife, because I love my OB-GYN.  I wouldn’t trade him for the world.  In fact, he brought ME into this world!  Same dude.  He’s getting up there in years, but he is an expert and has delivered over one hundred babies.  He made me feel comfortable any time he walked in the room, and he was encouraging and caring.  He’s the only doctor I’ve ever had that I felt actually listened to me and saw me as a real person.  He never dismissed anything that I thought was important, and he had a friendly manner that made him seem like a family member and not just a doctor.  I send him a Christmas card each year.  I like him that much.  Having someone you are extremely comfortable around and feel you can trust is so very important. 

I chose to deliver Cheerio Champ at a hospital.  He was my first child, I wanted my OB-GYN to be there, and I didn’t know quite what to expect.  You never do.  You can read all the pregnancy and birth books, take classes, you name it.  It doesn’t matter.  Each and every pregnancy and birth is different.  I’m glad to have been in the hospital.  As it turns out, I have an inherited mutation that causes the placenta to be twice its normal size, and the umbilical cord to be twice its usual length.  As a result, Cheerio Champ had the cord wrapped around his neck twice.  There were no major problems, but I was glad to have been there just in case.  I needed more help than he did.  I felt like I had been hit by a truck afterwards.  (And this from someone who has a high tolerance for pain. )

I chose to deliver Princess Cheerio at the same hospital, with the same OB-GYN.  She was my second, but again, each and every pregnancy and birth is different.  I knew now that I had this mutation deal, so that was a small concern.  I had to be induced, as it turned out.  My pelvis was too narrow to deliver a child much heavier than the one I was currently carrying, and I really didn’t like the idea of a C-section.  As a result, I was induced on my due date.  The labor with induction was really intense, so I ended up requesting an epidural (again, glad for the hospital).  Princess Cheerio turned out to be bigger than they thought.  She ended up stuck.  They had to rip this child out of me.  Now, when I say “rip”, I mean I felt like she was ripped out, not that there was a literal tearing sound (though if there had been, I probably would have missed it over the screaming.  Mine.  Not the babe’s).  They used the vacuum to pop her out of there, and it was the single most painful thing of my life.  She was 9 lbs, 8 ½ oz….a pound and a half bigger than they thought she was going to be!  I was extremely glad to be in the hospital for that one, not only for the delivery, but for the care they gave me afterwards.  I chose to go home as early as possible to get back home to my son, whom my mother was staying with. 

On the side of home birth advocates, I will say that my hospital bill was fairly expensive with Princess Cheerio.  I still haven’t paid it off a year later (though I’m down to $42!  Hurray!).  I’d much rather pay for all that care and not have needed it than have needed it and it not been there when it counted the most. 

If you are thinking about having, or have already had, a home birth, kudos!  You are a much braver woman than I, and I wish you the best!  I have seen some amazing footage and photos of home births, and it does seem to be much more intimate.  I just can’t get around the what-ifs.  Just remember that it is ultimately up to you to decide what is in the best interest for yourself and for your child.  And the job doesn’t end with birth!  In fact, it never does.  :)

And a special p.s. to those women Tori mentioned in her post that had “super easy pregnancies”:  I hate you.  That is all. 

How did you make your decision?  Was there one factor that weighed more heavily than any of the others?  Let us know!  Join in on Saturday for Leslie’s opinions on the topic at hand, and I will catch you next week!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Homebirth vs. Hospital Birth

Where you are going to deliver your child is extremely important. Decisions have to be based on personal beliefs, what your own wishes are, and most importantly the needs of your baby.
I know women who have delivered at home, and women that choose hospital birth.

My personal recommendation, is you make your decision based on your pregnancy and the amount of care you wish to have. Put your babies needs over your own, and factor in everything. No pregnancy is alike. If your pregnancy is difficult you may strongly consider a hospital birth just to be on the safe side. If your pregnancy has been a piece of cake (I do know a few women who have had super easy pregnancies believe it or not) then you could opt to take the home birth route if you desire, of course ensuring that medical assistance will be there as well. (again just to be on the safe side).

Personally, I only slightly considered home birth. At first it sounded appealing because I didn't need to leave the comforts of my own home. I could deliver in our own home, no need to worry about hospitals or anything like that. But as I did more research I realized it just wasn't that easy. If there are complications you have to go to a hospital anyway. And once your baby is in the world every second matters in your babies (and yours) health. I was just too afraid to risk it and I immediately tossed that notion aside. I wanted to be in a hospital setting where everything was there at the ready just in case I needed it. I had slightly difficult pregnancies (both of them) which both involved a lot of bed rest so now way was I going to chance anything.

But only you can decide what is best for you and each option has it's pros and cons. Here's a few:

  • low cost
  • delivering in a familiar setting
  • using your own bathroom/shower
  • sleeping in your own bed, eating your own food
  • cultural or religious concerns
  • more control over birthing process

  • if you develop a pregnancy complication such as preeclampsia, preterm labor, or anemia
  • have had a tricky pregnancy with complications along the way
  • your vitals and the babies are only monitored periodically instead of continuously
  • your baby could show signs of distress needing more medical attention than can be offered at that specific time, delaying help
  • labor doesn't progress
  • there may be complications in delivering baby or placenta
  • you or the baby may end up having to be moved to the hospital anyway if more attention and care is needed

  • Mother and baby are continuously monitored
  • If something goes wrong there is medical attention there and ready
  • Pain medication if you need it
  • Mother and baby can be monitored after delivery to ensure good health recovery
  • Free baby products to use while your staying (most hospitals that I know of supply you with a paci (if you choose to use one), diapers, wipes, etc.
  • If a problem arises there are always other obstetricians, nurses, doctors, etc that can lend a helping hand if need be.
  • If an emergency C section should need to be performed you are right there and they will get you ready

  • costly
  • your in an unfamiliar setting
  • hospital clothes and foods
  • less control

But in all honesty the pros far outweigh the cons to me when it comes to hospital birth.

Now I'm not downing any who have chosen the homebirth method. If you chose it and made it successfully through, congrats to you! We all have to consider our options, but the main thing is to research them thoroughly before making a decision. And always be prepared. Because pregnancy and delivery are tricky. Anything can change at any given time and we must always be prepared. Just make sure you have good medical help no matter what you choose, and always consider what is best for your baby over your wants and desires.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Tragedy

When I first heard about what happened in Boston earlier this week, I was completely dumbfounded.  I watched the news, trying not to cry because... how could someone do this?  There has been so much tragedy recently and it scares me that we live in this kind of world.  My heart goes out to everyone affected by this, and I hope they find more answers soon.

Rest in peace Martin, Krystle, and Lingzi.  It is not fair that you lost your lives, but I hope that where ever you are, this kind of violence doesn't exist.

I hope that all of the injured know that the country is rooting for their recovery. 

What a senseless act of violence.  No reason is good enough.

Fun. FOR CHEAP~priddymomma

 Hey guys!  We're talking this week about Cheap Fun!  Hey.  We have to cut corners somewhere, right?  Sometimes the cheaper ideas are the best ideas.  The point is to enjoy yourselves; not see how much money you can burn or how many people you can impress.  Here are some ideas to get you started.

Get Active!
  • Take a walk
  • Go for a hike
  • Enjoy a bike ride
  • Ice skating
  • Climb a tree
  • Go swimming
  • Play with a Frisbee
  • Go sledding
  • Badminton
  • Corn Hole
  • Snowball fight
  • Shoot some hoops
  • Kick a ball.  Or a can!
  • Bowling
  • Ice skating
  • Family Olympics-with any events you can imagine!
  • Yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, Karate…lots of things you enjoy you can also share with your family

Seasonal Fun!
  • Carve pumpkins
  • Visit an orchard
  • Deck the halls
  • Dye eggs

Get Out of the House!
  • Go camping
  • Wash the car
  • Play in the sprinkler
  • Play in the snow
  • Go fishing
  • Fly kites
  • Go see a play at a local theater or high school
  • Take the kids to a playground

Have Fun at Home!
  • Take silly photos
  • Make ice cream sundaes
  • Invite friends or family over for a themed movie night/afternoon
  • Cook something (cupcakes, cookies, bread, pizza….)
  • Have a dance party and see who can make up the silliest dance
  • Play video games!  There are games that get you moving these days, so why not?  Besides, kids love being better at something than mom and dad for once!
  • Paint or color 
  • Play dough-trust me.  Adults love play dough too. 
 What inexpensive things do you like to do with your family?  There are hundreds of ways to save money out there!  Looking for more ideas?  Leslie will be posting on Saturday, so keep an eye out for that.  Thanks for reading!  See you next week.  :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Moment for Boston

Here at The Case of the Missing Cheerios, we’d each like to take a moment to speak on the tragedy that unfolded on Monday.  My heart really goes out to those affected by the events at the Boston Marathon.  I was really inspired to read this article from a woman who was there that day, well behind the explosions and didn’t find out what occurred until much later:    She didn’t see things go down, but she talks about what she will remember from the marathon.  It is my hope that the survivors are also able to one day look back on the part of the race where they felt strongest and have some fond memories of the friendships and challenges that emerged throughout.  From the worst forest fires, new growth emerges.  There is no going back, but I pray that they can continue forward, runners and bystanders alike. 

Affordable Family Fun ~Tori

Sorry I missed last week's post. My kids were battling pink eye and ear infection, and my husband shortly after had some dental work done. As badly as I tried I just could not get the time to get on here and post. Thankfully Priddymomma and Leslie didn't leave you hanging, and as I just today got to read each of their posts I will say they are wonderful!

This week we'll be covering the topic of cheap fun.
When you have kids, budget can get pretty tight, pretty quick. Fortunately there are lots of things to do to have fun, and enjoy family time. Here's a few of the items I can suggest:

1) A picnic (weather permitting of course)
Easy to pack and you can take your family out to enjoy nature some. That rarely happens in today's world. We like to picnic at the park (but not too near play equipment as my kiddos probably wouldn't even want to eat in that case), and enjoy time. We pack some of the kids favorite things, and it's actually a lot of fun.

2) Family movie night
You don't have to go to the movies to have a movie night. Usually we pop our own popcorn, rent a movie from the library (one we all like that is fun for the kids), and enjoy. We have some other snacks, but its right in your own home so it's comfortable. We all usually have a lot of fun with this one, and it's family time also.

3) Board Games
There are probably a million and one board games out there by this time. Seriously new ones are being added daily. There is a board game for kids of all ages to enjoy at this point. And they are pretty affordable considering how much use you can get out of them. Tons of fun, and you will definitely get your monies worth by taking this route.

4) Zoo or Local Museum
These can be not only fun but so educational. When we do activities like this we call it family field trip day. It's nice to get out of the house for awhile with family, and everyone usually learns something new.

5) Pinterest
Pinterest is a website chock full of good ideas. If you don't have an account there yet, get one. I'll wait...
Okay, now as soon as your done reading this post start searching for fun crafts and games for your kiddos. You will find tons! It is an addicting website with tons of good information!

Now I've shared a few ideas for cheap fun with you, I must go. I currently hear running water and silence which is never a good combination when there's kids involved.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our Prayers Are With Boston

We just want to each take some time out this week before our scheduled post, and say how our hearts are with Boston.
It was a senseless tragedy that happened, and my heart breaks for all the runners, families, and town.
I understand that words mean very little in a situation like this so I just want everyone to know that our hearts are with Boston, and I'm keeping all in my prayers.

Credit for image: News10 abc

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day in the Life - Leslie

Unfortunately I wasn't able to take as many pictures of my day as I'd hoped.  Sorry for the lack of visual aid, but here you go!  A typical day for me.

4:50am - Wake up, potty, shower and brush teeth.  So.  Tired.

5:10am - Get dressed.

5:20am - Brush hair and then put together breakfast to eat at work.

5:35am - Watch the news while I fill my purse with stuff.  I have a big purse, so usually I put whatever I'm having for breakfast in a plastic grocery bag and stick it in the purse.  Wallet, breakfast, book, ID lanyard, various other things.  Check.  Also have to make sure I grab my bottle of water.

5:55am - Leave for work.  So dark out.  Still tired.

6:15am - Arrive at work.  Clock in.  Sit in the driver's room trying to stay awake until time to go out on our route.

6:35am - 7:15am - High school morning route.  Everybody is tired and quiet, except for the love birds.

7:30am - 8:00am - Back at the bus garage for our layover.  Usually I just eat breakfast (hard boiled egg, feta, tomatos, and carrots) and read.  Or talk to Jer.

8:00am - 9:00am - Elementary/preschool morning route.  Quiet ride.

9:10am - Clock out.  Time to go home!  Can't wait to see A.

9:25am - Home.  Tackled by A.  Love it.

9:25am - 11:30am - Playtime with A.  Usually we read books, watch shows, or play with her stuffed animals together.  We also like to sit together on the bed while she reads her books and I read mine.  Also, tickle time!

11:30am - Lunch time.  Homemade tomato soup.  Yum.

12:15pm - Nap time for A.  She wasn't happy about it, but she needed the sleep.

1:30pm - Head back to work.

1:55pm - Arrive at work.  Clock in.  Sit and wait to leave.

2:10pm - 3:00pm - High school afternoon route.  The kids had a good day and are in high spirits.

3:00pm - 3:15pm - Short layover.  Usually just park and wait.

3:20pm - Time to pick up the preschoolers.  They are pretty rowdy.

3:30pm - Pick up elementary.  Today should be keep-your-hands-to-yourself day.

4:20pm - Last drop off.  Head back to the garage to clock out.  So ready to go back home.

4:45pm - Get home.  Sit with A.  Read for a bit or clean.  Make dinner.

6:00pm - Dinner.  Bruschetta with tomatos and feta.  Yum!

7:00pm - 8:00pm - Quiet time with Addie.
8:00pm - 9:00pm - Wash face, brush teeth, brush A teeth, get a drink of water.

9:00pm - Lay down with A and a book.  Read to her and then she lays with me and falls asleep while I read my book.

10pm - Sleep.  Usually.  :|

Thursday, April 11, 2013

(A)Typical Tuesday~priddymomma

SURPRISE!  I get to be first this week!  Tori has some sick kiddos, so either you’ll hear from her later this week or you’ll have to contain yourselves until next week.  I’m sure you all know how it is. 

This week, we’re covering A Day in the Life.  It was an interesting day I took notes on.  I had planned to tell you all that my days aren’t normally like this and that they aren’t usually this hectic…but maybe they are.  What is NOT the usual, however, is my injury.  You see, I unwisely decided a bench in the middle of the mall at 11:30 p.m. was the perfect place for a Broadway Dance number.  It turns out that it is not.  I stepped down from said dance number and abruptly rolled my ankle.  Talk about your show-stopper!  Total drag, as I was on a date with the hubby at the time.  I’m recovering though.  Thank-you for your concern.  I’m an idiot.  I know.  Anyway, we were out late on a Monday night, so I got up late on Tuesday and had to deal with an injury.  All-in-all, I was fairly miserable.  Fun fun. 

Without further ado, here it is! 

Tuesday April 9th, 2013

6 a.m.-Wake up after five hours of sleep.  Pee.

Injured so just remained in bed.  Hubby was nice enough to bring me food and drink.  Hubby leaves for work.  Read until Cheerio Champ wakes up

8 a.m.-Spent 1 hour in room with Cheerio Champ.  Playing, reading, and tossing around Spanish vocabulary

Got him set up to get ready and started on chores

9 a.m.-Got Princess Cheerio up and nursed.  One hour behind normal schedule.

Eat a few bites of leftovers from fridge while assembling breakfast for the kids

8:30 a.m. -Breakfast-granola, yogurt, and fruit for Cheerio Champ

Yogurt, fruit, and cheerios for Princess Cheerio

Princess Cheerio spits food in my face.

10 a.m.-Changed Princess Cheerio-poop gets on a block.  Don’t ask.

Cheerio Champ’s reading a chapter book nicely.

Cheerio Champ wants to be tickled.  Tickling occurs.  Princess Cheerio very upset she is being left out.  Princess Cheerio gets tickled.  The pattern continues until injured ankle is tapped and I am DONE.

Clean poop block

Cheerio Champ wants to sweep up stray cheerios

Take board book from Princess Cheerio.  Books are not food.

Put away dishes in drainer

Wash highchair tray and drainer of dishes and wipe down table and highchair.

Start laundry.

Sweep up cheerios Cheerio Champ no longer cares about

Give Princess Cheerio the baby doll Cheerio Champ took from her

Take Furby away from Cheerio Champ for the day for screaming the same nonsense over and over in my face. 

Thank Cheerio Champ for giving Princess Cheerio her baby doll back.  Watch kids pass doll back and forth for a while.

Cheerio Champ is upset about the cheerios he didn’t get to finish sweeping up.

Try to sneak a cupcake in the kitchen while the kids are playing

Everybody has a cupcake.

Clean up cupcake mess. 

Kids extra whiney.  Both are tired and both got shots yesterday at the doctor’s office and are not feeling their best.

Realize I need to pay power bill today.  Can’t immediately find power bill.  Find it in the bathroom…

On way back to computer desk, stub toe and jar injured ankle.  Cursing follows.  Small amount of tears.  Now fury.  Realize Cheerio Champ saw entire episode.  Now need to address behavior issue as he is kicking things and screaming a colorful word.

Fill water bottle and finally put away cereal from this morning. 

Limp to computer desk, only to have to look for the power bill again.  CHEERIO CHAMP is trying to eat it after taking it from Princess Cheerio, who was also trying to eat it. 

Princess Cheerio wants me to read Goodnight Moon and I tell her just a minute.  She begins slamming book against gate and falls and cries.  

Comfort her and read the damn book.  Cheerio Champ interrupts to tell me George Washington’s birthday (February twenty-two!). 

Put her down, only to have her slam book and cry again.  Now Cheerio Champ wants to read Goodnight Moon.  Tug-of-war.

Scold Cheerio Champ for talking meanly to Princess Cheerio.  Scold Princess Cheerio for playing with the vent.

Watch Princess Cheerio booty bump the door and giggle.  I giggle, not her.  She’s very serious about this booty bumping. 

Watch Princess Cheerio booty bump baby gate.  Tell Cheerio Champ not to booty bump baby gate.

Finally get soggy power bill paid online.

Tell Cheerio Champ to quit chewing on Goodnight Moon.  Tell him to put it back on bookshelf as he took it in his room to chew on it where I couldn’t see him.

Tell Cheerio Champ not to touch a birthday present for a friend.

Kids are yelling.

Kids are making rude noises. 

Headache.  Ankle is swelling more.

Getting set up for nap time.  Tell Cheerio Champ to leave baby gate alone.

Get Cheerio Champ set up with some presidents information he can look through (as per request).  


Take book Princess Cheerio is eating.

Turn on lullaby music.

Come to find that I didn’t actually add laundry to the washer.  Trying again.

Ankle throbs and I almost fall.  Cheerio Champ laughs at me.

12:30 p.m.-change Princess Cheerio (finally dressed in day clothes) and nurse down for nap.

1:45 p.m.-Quiet time for Cheerio Champ

Elect not to exercise or homeschool…or do much of anything due to swelling in ankle.  Curl up in bed.

Hear Cheerio Champ in hysterics.  Rush in to find he has a new hopefully-not-hobby:  stuffing toys in his nose.  Toy comes out.  Lecture…and life goes on.

2:30 p.m.-change Princess Cheerio and curl up in bed again

2:45 p.m.-hubby calls.  Hobble my ass to phone in dining room.  Coming home early.

Finally get to shower and wash baby food off my arm from this morning

3:10 p.m.- hubby is home

3:20 p.m.- hubby changes Princess Cheerio and puts her in highchair while I assemble lunch

3:30 p.m.-late lunch for kids and no lunch for me.  Didn’t feel like standing any longer.

Hubby is nice enough to clean up after lunch 
Find out my brother and his girlfriend aren’t coming over after all.  Relieved in a way because my ankle aches, but sad we don’t have plans

Kids play/scream/beat me up while hubby makes egg sandwiches for dinner

5:30 p.m.- dinner.  I get some veggies and fruit to go with sandwiches.

I need desperately to lay down, so hubby is kind enough to allow me to.  He finishes dinner with the kids, cleans up, and bathes Princess Cheerio.  

I wake up to Princess Cheerio screaming in the bath tub.  I have napped for fifteen minutes.  Wooo!  I feel better for it though.

Hubby takes care of after bath routine with Princess Cheerio and reads her a story.  I play with Cheerio Champ a bit.  He tries to bite me during tickles.  

Nursing Princess Cheerio while hubby showers Cheerio Champ and reads to him and puts him to bed.

8 p.m.-Bedtime for Princess Cheerio.

Hubby is studying Tai Chi via DVD.  I collapse in a heap and drowse/read for twenty minutes before looking for a snack. 

Remember that there are wet clothes in the washer and throw them in the dryer.  Fold massive basket of laundry.

Play Mario Party 8 with hubby.

Feed cats.  Check on kids.  Brush teeth.

10 p.m.-bed.

10:30 p.m.-pee.

11:00 p.m.-pee again.

Can you relate?  What is a day like for you?  Any topic requests?  Comment or email us at  We’d love to hear from you!  Look for Leslie’s post on Saturday!